The permanent diaconate is a beautiful vocation that lives out the call of the church, ‘in persona Christi servus,’: in the person of Christ the servant. Deacons are called from the ranks of the laity to live out a life that imitates the service and servant leadership that Christ exemplified. Although they receive the sacrament of Holy Orders, this call is very different from that of a priest or bishop. Deacons live with one foot in the Church, and one in the world. They have secular jobs and possibly a wife and children, and this allows them a greater understanding of the life of the laity. Deacons are also ordained and are called to a life of ministry, and their example of service should stand out to the laity and encourage those laypeople they see in the parish to be more involved and more active in the life of the Church.
If you are interested in learning more about the diaconate, please contact Deacon Bill Radigan: