Sacred Heart College is blessed to have benefactors that wish to support Catholic higher education in Ontario. Please click below to learn how students may apply for financial assistance.
The Lloyd Ludgate Award for Returning Students |
Biographical Note - Lloyd LudgateLloyd Ambrose Ludgate, 1905-1998. Husband, father, grandfather; brother, son, altar boy; successful business man, athlete, fluent in French and English; gentleman, and raconteur. All true of Lloyd Ludgate, but his one consistent quality was his determination to encourage people in their endeavours (offering invaluable advice only when asked). His rapier-wit and wonderful mind was not honed in university although he would have reached the heights of his many talents had he been given the opportunity. He was particularly interested in the pursuit of higher knowledge and heartily encouraged those close to him to pursue their dreams at university. He depended greatly and unabashedly upon his Catholic faith to guide him through his 93 years. He is remembered by those who knew and loved him as a true Renaissance Man. The Value of the of the Ludgate AwardIn 2018-19, the Lloyd Ludgate Award is valued between $500-$1000 and disbursed at the discretion of the Sacred Heart College Financial Aid Committee. Application GuidelinesThe Ludgate Award is directed at students in financial need and who have completed at least one full credit of post-secondary studies at either Trent University or Sacred Heart College. Your application for the Ludgate Award should include a written letter describing your financial situation, how you plan to use the funds, and your academic plans. Be sure to include information about any special cirucmstances, and outline any extraordinary expenses you may have or expect to encounter. Special ConditionsAny qualified student may be considered for the Ludgate Award. Commitment to a religion or faith tradition is an asset for eligibility. How to ApplySubmit your official transcripts, budget form, and letter of application before September 30 for the fall term and January 20 for the winter term, to: Sacred Heart College 208 Romaine St. Peterborough ON K9J 2C4. Attention: Student Financial Aid Committee. You may receive one award per academic year. |
The Louise Rainey Bursary |
Biographical Note - Louise RaineyLouise Rainey, I902-1960. If you "Google" the name Louise Rainey, you won't find her. She was not an academic, an author, a wealthy business person, nor was she a politician, or a medical practitioner. She was a normal, average person - humble, hard-working, and cheerful. Despite health challenges throughout her life, Louise often held down two jobs, bringing to each of them a wonderful sense of humour and her positive attitude. She survived the Depression and war years, never married, was very loyal to her extended family and especially loyal to her Catholic faith. She had great devotion to The Sacred Heart and was an early supporter of Brother Andre and the Oratory in Montreal. While she never attended university, she was a strong supporter of education at all levels and encouraged young people, especially her nieces and nephews, to achieve their potential. She lived a life worthy of imitation - and so in the hearts of many, she was indeed famous. The Value of the Louise Rainey BursaryFor 2018-19, the Louise Rainey Bursary carries a value of $500 to $1000. It is designed for students who entering university studies for the first time and are experiencing financial need. It is disbursed at the discretion of the Sacred Heart College Financial Aid Committee. Application GuidelinesThe deadline to apply for a Rainey bursary September 20 for fall term and January 20 for the winter term. The program is designed to assist with educational and living costs while a full-time student. Bursary funds are intended to supplement the resources a student has available from family and personal savings. Academic progress does not count in deciding whether or not to fund an application.Your application for a Rainey Bursary should include a written letter describing your financial situation, how you plan to use the Bursary funds, and your academic plans. Be sure to include information about any special circumstances, and outline any extraordinary expenses you may have or expect to encounter. Special ConditionsBursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Student Financial Aid Committee. If you receive a Bursary and then go on to withdraw from Sacred Heart, or change your status from full-time to part-time, a repayment of the Bursary, in part or in full, may be required. We will calculate the amount of repayment based on your effective date of withdrawal or change of status. How to ApplyYour application for a Rainey Bursary should include a written letter describing your academic plans and describe your financial situation and how you plan to use the Bursary funds. Be sure to include information about any special circumstances, and outline any extraordinary expenses you may have or expect to encounter. You should submit your Bursary application on a per term basis, before the September 20th and January 20th deadlines to: Sacred Heart College, 208 Romaine St., Peterborough ON, K9J 2C4. Attention: Student Financial Aid Committee. |
The Saint John Paul II Bursary |
Value of the St. John Paul II BursaryFor 2018-19, the St. John Paul II Bursary is valued at a maximum of $1000. It is designed for residents of the John Paul II House of Discernment who are experiencing financial need. Application Guidelines and RequirementsThis bursary program is for residents of the St. John Paul II House of Discernment (JPII House) and is designed to assist with educational and living costs while residing at JPII House. Bursary funds are intended to supplement the resources you already have from family and personal savings and from part-time employment. You are eligible for only one St. John Paul II Bursary per year. You should apply by September 20th for the fall term, or by January 20th for the winter term. CriteriaSt. John Paul II Bursary funds are intended to supplement the resources a resident has available from family and personal savings. Academic progress is not a factor in processing your application. Special ConditionsBursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Student Financial Aid Committee. If you receive a Bursary and then go on to withdraw from JP II House, a repayment of the Bursary, in part or in full, may be required. The amount of repayment will be calculated based on your effective date of withdrawal. How to ApplyStudent Budget Template Form. Submit your application materials to Sacred Heart College, 208 Romaine St., Peterborough ON, K9J 2C4. Attention: Student Financial Aid Committee.