Thank you for considering a lecture or lecture series proposal with Sacred Heart. Below are guidelines and some information to keep in mind when completing the Lecture & Lecture Series Proposal Form. In addition to that form and the documentation that it requires, your proposal should also include a cover letter that reflects these guidelines.
Factors in the Review of your Lecture or lecture series Proposal
In reviewing a lecture or lecture series proposal, the Academic Council of Sacred Heart will consider how it aligns and supports the Mission, Vision, Institutional Philosophy and the Core Values of Sacred Heart. In addition, the Academic Council will review the proposal in the light of any Memoranda of Understanding that Sacred Heart may already have in place with other institutions.
The Academic Council will also consider the financial implications of offering your lecture or lecture series. This means that in addition to facilitator pay and any other typical costs related to a lecture or lecture series (texts, equipment, and supplies), we also have to cover our administrative costs: the staff time and any expenses related to offering the lecture or lecture series. Your proposal will be stronger if it demonstrates that significant thought has been put into the content, learner outcomes, and whether or not there could be a reasonable demand for it in the community.
Sacred Heart has a limited variety of classroom sizes and set-ups available. We can provide whiteboards and an overhead projector and a laptop computer. Please be specific about equipment and supplies you need for the class, as well as supplies that students will need to buy/bring for themselves. You should also identify if you have special equipment for your lecture or lecture series that you can bring/provide. Pricing for both classroom and student supplies should be included in your proposal to the best of your knowledge so that we can better estimate the lecture or lecture series cost and pricing.
In addition to the above considerations, the Academic Council will consider:
- The uniqueness vs. the availability of a similar lecture or lecture series in the community;
- Is the content of lecture or lecture series relevant to the community?
- Is there a clear overview of what the lecture or lecture series entails?
- Is there a clear statement of the intended learner outcomes of the lecture or lecture series?
- Are the timelines appropriate?
- Are the proposed facilitators qualified and experienced in teaching at the post-secondary level in Canada?
- Does the draft budget include the anticipated costs of any stipend, honorarium, and other fees, if any, related to the provision of qualified and experienced facilitators?
- What is the potential for recovering the costs of offering the lecture or lecture series by charging a reasonable tuition, once all factors have been considered?
Please note that Sacred Heart of Peterborough reserves the right to conduct its own independent assessment of the qualifications and experience of the proposed Facilitator(s).
Approval of a proposal does not constitute automatic approval or special consideration of further iterations of the lecture or lecture series in question.
Cover letters, lecture or lecture series proposals and relevant documentation should be submitted to the Dean of Studies for submission to Academic Council.
Approved by Academic Council, 24 November 2015